Conversion Chart

Conversion Chart

The following is a guideline of conversion factors for quoted material.  Lorusso Corporation does not guarantee quantities or yields.  This conversion is based on material as loaded in truck bodies. The Lorusso Corporation sales policy for material is factored by the ton and is billed accordingly.

Material Conversion (Tons / Cubic Yards) Description and Uses
3/8" Crushed Stone 1.35 Dry Crushed Stone
3/8" Washed Crushed Stone 1.35 Washed Crushed Stone
1/2" Crushed Stone 1.35 Dry Crushed Stone
1/2" Washed Crushed Stone 1.35 Washed Crushed Stone
3/4" Crushed Stone 1.35 Dry Crushed Stone
3/4" Washed Crushed Stone 1.35 Washed Crushed Stone
1 1/2" Crushed Stone 1.35 Dry Crushed Stone
1 1/2" Washed Crushed Stone 1.35 Washed Crushed Stone
Ballast Stone 1.30 Ballast Stone
Choke Stone 1" - 3" 1.45 Blend of Crushed Stone for Road Base (binds muddy areas)
Drainage Stone 2" - 4" 1.35 Blend of Crushed Stone w/ Voids for Drainage
Modified Rock Fill 6" - 8" N/A Rip Rap for Basins, Pipe Ends & Embankments
Dumped Rip Rap 12" - 18" N/A Sized Blasted Ledge
Rip Rap 18" - 24" N/A Sized Blasted Ledge
Rip Rap 18" - 36" N/A Sized Blasted Ledge
Armor Stone N/A Sized Blasted Ledge
1/2" Dense Graded Base 1.65 DGB for Shoulders
3/4" Dense Graded Base 1.70 Crusher Run
1 1/2" Dense Graded Base 1.75 Crusher Run
Stone Screenings 1.40 Dry Stone Dust - Packs hard
Washed Stone Sand 1.30 Washed Stone Dust - Stays loose drains out
Clay 1.40 10-5, 10-7, 10-4
Perc Sand 1.20 Sand w/ Good Drainage
Mason Sand 1.20 Brick Sand, Block Sand, Playground Sand
3" Crushed Concrete 1.55 Structural Fill
1 1/2" Crushed Concrete 1.55 Structural Fill
Fill N/A Fill
3" Reclaim PVMT Borrow 1.50 Blend of Gravel Borrow, Pavement & Concrete (meets M.1.11.0 specs)
1" Recycled Asphalt 1.40 Crushed Pavement Only, 4% - 5% Liquid Asphalt Content
Screen Loam 1.10
1" Compost 0.50